Lots of people have asked this question,how do you intend to do it differently in a field (NGO) that has been occupied for a long time with sweet talkers and doers of nothing in the end?It is indeed challenging to respond to this honest question especially to those willing to deny themselves the little comfort that would have been accorded to them by their finances and support worthy causes in the communities in areas of their liking.
From our perspective,we are of the opinion that by doing it differently,it will not be how often you hear about us in the media or see us launching a fancy report in the five star hotel but rather;investing that much-needed dollar in the areas we feel are important to turn-around our constituents` lives.While launching a neatly-assembled report or publication at a five-star hotel might bring us the media attention sought-after by many,we feel that,it will be an end in its self thus sustaining such opportunities would not be easy depending on media preferences on what makes news at different times Vs what our target population require immediately to improve their prospects in life.
Doing it differently;we mean,it is not going to be our business to keep on complaining that funding is hard to come by especially for young organizations like ours and especially led by 100% young disabled people thus challenging the status quo.It boils down to finding small ideas that can enable us sustain the good work we do in communities of supporting young disabled people realize their dreams.This doesn`t imply that we aren`t going to engage in formal fundraising initiatives but it is not going to be our primary focus to use professional services to get funding because this will still mean that a huge budget is set a side to cater for the professionals involved yet the same resources would have been put into a good use of either supporting a budding enterpreneur who required only $50 to make it in life!
It only means,we are going to do more of creative ideas like the Mt.Kilimanjaro Climb that our Director along others will be engaged in during the end of November 2010 to raise awareness and funds for our projects www.justgiving.com/fredrick-ouko
The beauty of working for a young organization like ours is the possibilities available for one to try out new ideas,a reduction in beaucratic tendencies witnessed in sophisticated organizations and the pace at which progress is made.Young people are creative in nature and this is the strength we exploit to enable us do it differently as opposed to "Big Boys and Girls" who are accustomed to the written rules.
As we pioneer creative partnerships between non-disability youth organizations and disabled persons organizations,we see alot of opportunities that have been left to waste in the past.Our expanding participation for persons with disabilities in development processes has taught us alot on the need of doing things differently to achieve milestones in a relatively short time.Why would a disability organization be organizing sensitization meetings targeting persons with disability on disability issues as opposed to targeting non-disability organizations to make them aware of the challenges faced by persons with disabilities? It is only those who are interested in progress that will realize, indeed we have been doing a diservice to ourselves by preaching to the already converted locking out those that are yet to be converted!
We are therefore called to action and not the usual lullubies expected to be heard from conformist establishment,we have our aim on the bigger prize but are cognisant of the fact that,we cannot make it alone thus the requirement to work as a team with other institutions in the society to make it happen all for the benefit of Persons with Disability in our beloveth country,Kenya! We welcome you to be part of this shared DREAM! No More Lullubies!!!
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