Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Tracing June`s Success Path

                          “I used to work from 8:00a.m till 10:00p.m as an assistant vegetable vendor and the payment which I received was 100 Kenya shillings a day                      for a period of 5 months, I later realized                     that vegetable vending was not a lucrative business  as it was full of uncertainties                                    of underpayment and exploitation.          I decided to work as a salon attendant at Ngumo stage since I had skills on hairdressing where I was paid as per commission.”
June Infront of her saloon
This is a story of a 30 year old June Anyango from Laini Saba, a sole owner of a beauty and hairdressing salon specializing on Blowdry, Curly kit, Pedicure, Manicure and facial services. A business that receives more than three customers in a good day and five customers on average per week.
Her success story traces back in 2003 when she came to know KEDAN (now ANDY) through a female friend who persuaded her to attend sports at Nyayo Stadium, she later joined sitting volleyball at Muthurwa  and later wheelchair basketball at ANDY. Through the sports for health programme, a jovial   June says she can now wheel around the basketball court as she enjoys her sport while at the same time having the financial freedom from economic oppression from her former boss.
When asked about her future business plans? She happily shares her goal to expand her salon and tap more talents within the slums and offer them a job opportunity. A
June attending to a client


  1. I am proud of June for having the drive and determination to better her life. Kudos ANDY for facilitating this success! Keep on the good work

    1. Thanks for the compliment,it serves to motivate all of us to work even harder towards achieving more results!You are welcome to making it Happen

  2. The Access to Work office is also proud of her for putting the entrepreneurship training to good use. She also made full use of the office for consultation in order to write a viable business plan that she can take to any financial institution for financing. You too, as a young person with disability can benefit. Join us.
